Isahaya Electronics Industry Logo

Isahaya Electronics Industry

IDC or Isahaya Electronics Industry Co. as it is known in English, is headquartered in Kaizu, Isahaya City, Japan. It designs and manufactures system power supplies and modules used at the core of a wide variety of electronic equipment in the power semiconductor field. It has seen usage expand into various other markets such as industrial instruments, production machinery, automation lines, various power supplies, household electrical appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators and also into the fields of high power and high reliability applications. IDC is actively developing low resistance transistors, high frequency transistors, J-FETs and multi-function transistors. It has a range of 5 pin and 6 pin package lineups to assist high density and high added value assembly. Amar Radio Corporation, Bangalore (India), is an authorized distributor of IDC products and offerings.